Friday, February 27, 2009
Hello there, Citizens.
In an attempt to put my mind off being
emo, I shall write about what we need to bring on Monday.
5 different colours of coloured paper. Because we have orange left over from the notice boards. I don't think we need black because we also have some left. But if you want to bring, by all means feel free too.
Oh and if we're not
bringing black we'll have to use it REALLY sparingly. REALLY, REALLY sparingly. :)
And stuff like double-sided tape, normal tape, glue, scissors and ENTHUSIASM, the more the merrier.
...Did I sound stupid when I said enthusiasm?
Never mind. Just remember. Thanks.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
AHA!Everyone, houng kong here.Anyway, i made a stupid mistakethe colour of our class tee should be black while thewords and pictures should be lime green and orange.sorry about that. however, the vote still counts. thank youanyway anyway, we shall follow what our seniors say and just right the word NYGH on our class tee!woohoo! that's much nicer, haha!love,houng kong----what a nice nickname!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Class cheers, Mascot ,Flag and Talent-time
class cheers, mascot, flag and talent-time stuff0_0 Rocks!
Class CheersCheer 1:
B S Cbb S C S B S Cbb S 112!first 2 lines:B -- 吓, S -- 死, C-- 你Next 2 lines:吓死你们吓死你!One-twelve!So i think its like this:吓死你吓吓死你们
吓死你吓吓死你!One-twelve!aiyah, should be la, pls edit this post if you know better... Jiawen edited it to what she thought it was. Cheer 2:We cheer, we leadWe make you weepChampions we are, from one one twoDetermined we fightLike Valiant Knightsone twelve one twelve fight fight fightHey, i think im missing a line. Pls help!! D: Grah. I can't remember either. CLASS MASCOT
A rubik's cubeMaterial's needed:27 boxes-- bring 1 each, theres 1 more extra in class. you can get other ppl to bring for you.Coloured paper-- THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!Double sided tape ( personally i tink its kinda a waste. use glue?) -- Bring as much as humanely possibleBring by next Wednesday ( I think)CLASS FLAGEverone is coming up with designs. We will do a vote on MondayTALENT-TIMEWe will dance... Songs are being nominated. As of end of Friday's lessons, 2.35, these are the nominations: Lady Gaga, How are you and He said, she said. If you have not heard these songs before, go and look for it. Not very sure when we will vote. :DShu Ning and Jiawen. Who edited the colors because they burn. And Gwendelyn who CORRECTED the cheers
WOOHOO!!!!! it's voting time...homies, participate actively!!!this is regarding the design for our class t-shirt.another suggestion is up. please vote spontaneously(i tink i spelled it wrongly)choice number one:
the little circles are actually people. haha, didn't have time to finish drawing.choice no. two.
the words dont matter much, will tell all of you on monday. :) li houng here. apparently,the two little logos on the shirt is erm...nygh logo cos it is compulsory to have a 4 cm logo of NYGH. the back is just jia wen's pic plus names.others is not much of a change.aha, vote vote vote!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hey homies,
i changed a few colours, ok not just a few...
if u were online on saturday 14th feb at about 630 to 7 and kept refreshing ur screen you would have noticed. But since u are unlikely to have done so, Im tellin u about it
Hope you all dont mind :)
Shu Ning
Today's Valentine's Day :)
may u receive lots of hugs and kisses XD
and roses and presents and whatever not :D
all filled with lots and lots of luv <3
~yunmei >.<
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Hi everyone.Next Tues is a very special day.It's also very important.Guess why?We got like 5 tests on that day.1) History test2) LA presentation3) Physics Quiz4) 应用文 -
Thursday. All this is subject to change.Good luck for Tues.~Shu Ting~EDIT: I edited it. Because it was obamafied. : DDD - jiawen

It's our first event as a class! Term 2 week 1. Look for Jaclyn if u wanna help or want more details! YAY!
The Cleaniness Comittees:
Window-licious! (Window Wipers)
Shu Ting (Leader)
Shu Ning
Li Houng
ChongsterDustbunnies! (Dustbin Emptiers)
Xin Suen
Sweepernators! (Floor Sweepers)
Claris (Leader)
Xin Yi
Sharlene ShanisseJocelyn
Wipetastic! (Whiteboard Wipers)Gwendelyn
Jia Qi (Leader)Wiperific! (Wipe Side Table...)
Xing Zhi
Yun Mei
Wen Yin
Li Xin (Leader)Chloe
Groove-y! (Wipe Grooves and Tables)
Deborah (Leader)
Sheryl Su-MinJing Ci
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So today we have:
-Math Quiz Correction and Signature
-FM1 Corrections on Thursday
-RN1 on Thursday
-Attempt HOT questions, Thursday
-Remedial Worksheet (Optional), Thursday I think.
-Storytelling Script with stage directions. Tomorrow. Or you will die a horrible death.
-Science Pendulum Worksheet. Shu Ning will be angry at you if you don't hand it in. D:
-Science PR2. No idea when it's due.
-CLC worksheet for 联合早报 I have no idea when it's due.
-The three Geog worksheets which are so hard you look at them and feel a migraine coming. Friday
-Art printing of pictures. At least 10 of ATHLETES. Merlion doesn't count now, even though it looks like a super-swimmer. D:
-We have a Physics Quiz, LA SIA and for people taking Japanese, a counter test next week. Good luck pulling through.
Help. I think I missed out some stuff.
Notice Boards
YHARLOTHAR everyone!Ahem. This is Jaclyn. Vice-chairman and I decided on the day that we stayed back to do the notice board that we're dividing the big, black notice board at the back among LA, Math, CLC, History, Geog and Science. Until the discovery of new subjects which require the board.So just estimate a bit. One subject gets around a column of width a bit more than 2 A4 pieces of paper on their sides. Awesome description, I know. -_-Anyway, Subject Reps of each subject, make a sign so we can stick it up. If not the board will be messy and ugly and disorganized and some people might not be happy. Ahem. It's even better if the sign is pretty&witty&GAY! So yes, please try to prettify it and make it not ugly unlike the sign for the Notices notice board.Thank you~
Monday, February 9, 2009
We have a lot of notice boards and nothing to put on them! Any one who has any bright ideas please tell Lynn (she does not know about this yet, but nevermind).
The new duty roster will be ready tomorrow! Do all your duties PLEASE! Or else I'm doomed!
We will have a womanizer week sometime soon. Anyone with suggestions tell me or Jaclyn.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
hey ppl! :D
i was thinking, maybe we should start putting more things on our blog, like CCAs and stuff like that. the blog looks kinda plain :P
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Blog URL
The blog url is so undemocratic! Three quarts of the class cant remember it. Lets change! yay!
So change ok
Jia wen owes the class blog 20 bucks
shu ning
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
hey guys! pls try to post k?
from wen yin